Saturday, December 11, 2010

Craft Central!

Our house was Craft Central yesterday. We hosted a mother-daughter craft/gift making day with my friend Ana and her girls.
Christmas cheer abounded!

Each family brought a craft to share and the girls rotated from station to station making and wrapping gifts.
We had a great selection of crafts...

...and a great selection of friends to do them with! The house was full and happy all afternoon!

Annie, L. Isa, Rachel (her niece JoJo), Hannah, Cassandra

Myself and Friend Nancy, Ana and Friend Caitilin

By the end, the moms were crafting, the house was scattered with goodwill, the goodies were still being happily downed and evening (teen) plans were in the works. A most successful and satisfying day with our homeschool group.

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