Saturday, December 18, 2010

O Antiphons

I learned about a new (to me) Christmas tradition this year. At my HS mother's group, the ladies were talking about O Antiphons. Antiphons are the names for Jesus, as laid out in the Bible and the song O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Since there are seven O Antiphons, you start this countdown to Christmas on Dec. 17th. Each day you learn about another name for our Savior, and pray an appropriate prayer relating to that particular name of Jesus.
The pictures and prayers above are glued to the inside of the tins. The names in order are: O Wisdom, O Lord, O Root of Jesse, O Key of David, O Dayspring, O King and O God With Us. If you take the first letter of each title (taken backwards) in Latin, they make the phrase "Erocras" which means "Tomorrow, I Will Come."

There are various ways to craft O Antiphons, but I like this set that I found on Waltzing Matilda. She had most of the sizing and artwork done and ready for downloading and printing, and I liked her use of Altoid tins. I had some tins waiting in the basement as hand-me-downs from my friend Lori, who occasionally gives me "good junk." This first attempt went to Friend Nancy who was aching for a set of O Antiphons. We may make some for ourselves next year.

1 comment:

  1. Those look great, Jannell! Thanks for the info about Modge Podge.
