I am a farm girl, married to my high school sweetheart. We grew up on farms 9 miles apart and went through 12 years of school together. I liked him in grade school, but it took until we were Juniors in high school to get him interested in me as more than a friend. I have never lived more than 10 miles from home, except in college, but have travelled as far as France, Germany and Switzerland. We live on our own farm and have raised three of our six kids. The last three are growing up fast.
The girls had some caterpillars in jars last week. We had opportunity to observe their chrysalis development and hatching. Top to bottom: The true gold on the green is amazing. How does He do that? The wings can be (faintly) seen developing color under the green. In a few days the green has become transparent and the butterfly is fully developed in the chrysalis. The gold is still visible though. We meant to watch it hatch, but missed it. Fascinating and beautiful design from the Great Designer.
We spend hours waiting last year... the most fascinating, I think, is the forming of the chrysalis.