Sunday, November 14, 2010

Big Weekend

We started out with a work day on my brother's roof. The church and community helped with a re-shingling.

After BBQ's, chips and bars, the girls and I headed off for a baby shower in town. I made some little "lovie" blankets as part of the gift. I made up this design myself for optimum "lovie-ness." They are just small for easy carrying. The shower was for Jennifer, the wife of Daniel H. who has been a friend of our sons' since childhood. Our families spent many happy hours together during our older kids's school years.

W. likes to play with Daniel's little sister E. It's almost like a "second generation" of our families playing together.


  1. We love the "lovies" and are sure baby Haggar will as well. Thanks for the pots and for coming to the shower!

    J. Haggar

  2. Thanks for coming to the shower. The little lovies are very sweet and sooooo soft. What a creative idea!
