Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vintage Glasses

I have been finding some "new" glasses at the thrift stores. I like etched or pressed glass. It's fun to find pretty ones. Most of them only cost about 25 cents each. It helps to go to places other than Goodwill. My husband laughs at me when I say Goodwill is too expensive. The little vase is very petite and was only 10 cents at a rummage. Score!!!


  1. I agree with you...our local Goodwill and Value Village are sometimes too expensive. Their prices have certainly gone up in recent times. Love the glasses!

  2. Places like St. Vincent De Paul and Salvation Army, the Mission and Volunteers of America thrift stores are usually much more reasonable. They try to keep their prices low to help the poor afford things better. I also prefer to leave my donations at those if I can. Thanks for the comment! I relish them!

  3. I guess I should try some other thrift stores. I go to Goodwill and VV out of habit and usually they're close to other places I'm going.

    1. What's V V? I shop thrift for fun if I have time to kill when the girls are at things, or for when I need a "day off". Cheap entertainment! You have to do it regularly to learn where is best for which things. SF is really good. There is also Savers, Try It Again, Twice Nice, Y's Buys, Kids N Kaboodle and Nu 2 U, and others.
