Thursday, February 25, 2010

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

From my facebook yesterday:

Lovely massage play day with three friends and their kids. Moms had massages, kids played. Chocolate desserts, glasses of milk and tea. Talk, school prep and planning. Great day!

L. M. -and why was I not invited?
P. F.-Wow, now THAT'S what I call homeschooling!!

Me-Ultimate homeschooling-anyone in the greatest homeschooling co-op on earth can indulge. It's all in the attitude (and planning!)


  1. I came home rested, happy and with a heart full of gratitude. Your generosity, your relaxed attitude towards life, and above all your expression of appreciation to so much in your life--I find them all so inspiring! Thanks!

  2. Thank you. It was a highlight day, wasn't it?
