Monday, May 18, 2015

This and That

 A fun May basket from our sweet B. friends. Love the darling flowers.
The girls scrounged me some lilacs for a Mother's day bouquet. Love them! This is a lilac arrangement I bought at our church's spring breakfast and sale. I did not get a photo of the girl's lilacs.
 Rummage score! $2!!!
Wind shear took down our older Morton shed and some branches. Work crew after the storm.M, Bret, L.

 Easter kittens doing well. Had to remove them from window well when it flooded during the storm.
Son J. and old friend Kevin from KELO TV traveled to the Delmont tornado site and took the drone for a spin.

1 comment:

  1. I got a May/Mother's Day basket from Mrs B. as well! We are still enjoying the chocolate goodies! Loove James' photos!
