Sunday, April 8, 2012

Francois and Ella

Meet Francois Elephant and Ella Zebra.

When I was crocheting phone covers, W. put one on her fingers and said they could be puppets. She LOVES puppets, and is very good at making them come alive. So, I decided to surprise her by trying to make her a crocheted hand puppet. I started on a zebra, and when it was done W. named her Ella. (She is also great at naming things.) Then she suggested she needed an elephant. I looked in my thrifted yarn stash and found a nice, fine, blue grey and started with a trunk then worked up from there. A few picture references later, we had Francois Elephant. (Frahn swah, ella fhant-said with a French accent.) I am finding crochet to be more creative than I thought it could be. Next, she wants a giraffe. We'll see how he/she looks.

Not only does she love them, they love her.

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