Sunday, April 15, 2012

What They've Been Drawing

We tend to do a lot of drawing, what with co-op art classes and our natural bent for art here at the Art House. M. and L. made these neat Celtic-style crosses at co-op with Mrs. B-H around St. Patrick's Day.

W. made this solar system in her "homeroom" class at co-op with Miss Amy and Mrs. C. The second page is also by her. She draws all kinds of made up creatures, then names them creative names. I thought the bottom one was especially cute, although she wrote near him, "Meaner than he looks!"
And Miss M. learned to draw banners with Mrs. N. who is teaching the Jr/Sr. co-op art classes from Bruce McIntyre's Drawing Textbooks. We all think these are pretty amazing examples of banners. She can really "whip them out."

1 comment:

  1. Jannell,

    Does Whitney know what a capybarra is? Her "meaner than he looks" pictures looks like one!
    Check out some google images with her! Bill Peet wrote a charming book about a capbarra also.


    Happy Monday! (via e-mail)
