Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 On Tuesdays W. and I have the day at home while her sisters are at Jr. High/High School classes at Tutoring Center. Today I had a surprise for her-a break from the workbooks and usual daily work. We did a little unit study on foxes. She loves foxes and I knew we had the book Cinnabar by Marguerite Henry, so we started with that. I printed off some pages from the internet (fox facts, fox book marks to cut out, fox oragami, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." in cursive to copy, how to draw a fox, a Brian Jacques fox quote for copywork and a fox facts crossword puzzle.) I read to her from the book and she took notes of anything she liked, including M. F. H. (Master of the Fox Hounds), "All work and no play makes you old before your day...", Beelzebub, "...bright eyed and bushy tailed...", cached, cinnabar and sassafras (whose leaves she drew.) We also looked up United Kingdom, North Africa, Europe, North America , and the Potomac River near Washington DC.
With piano and math, she had a well rounded day and we both had fun. We will be doing this again. She said she also wants to do snakes and then dragons.

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