We are madly sewing Christmas projects out of old "cashmere" (soft, fuzzy acrylic) sweaters. The girls (L and M) have the projects for their girlfriends nearly done, and we are also making lap blankets/throws from the "body" of the sweaters. They are toasty and fun. We have been getting sweaters for 5 for a dollar at a thrift store, but have that store pretty well cleaned out. Other places are more like $.75, $1.75 and $3.00 per sweater, so we only look there for colors we can't find at the cheap place. As my niece says, we are not recycling, we are up-cycling. (The new, cool term.) It's a lot of fun. I will post some pictures of the blankets soon. Above you can see the scrap fashions and hand sewn blanket W. made yesterday for "Blackie," her dog. Also, you can see where I have been spending most of my time, by the accumulation of tea vessels. Our big table is great for blanket cutting and layout.
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