Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Introvert Advantage

The Introvert Advantage, by Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D.

Just finished this book, and it explained a lot about myself. I had already figured out on my own how to manage my need to be alone/have personal space, but this book validated the "why". Introverts recharge by being alone and extroverts recharge by being with others.

Interesting sections on married intoverts/extroverts and on introverted/extroverted children. Points out famous introverts (Diane Sawyer, Michael Jordan) and how being shy is not the same as being introverted. A good book for anyone who works with or lives with people. Easy read.


  1. May I borrow it? To read with my introvert husband.

  2. It's Nancy's. Bekah has it right now. It was very good! I bring it when she's done.
