Saturday, March 26, 2011

G, M, S, Cousin Fun

Cousin Piper and Uncle Marsh were here during their Spring break. It's great to have the cousins together for a couple of days.

We had a spirited game of charades. Teams were "The Youngsters" (Uncle M., Piper, and W.) against the "Good Looking." (Myself, L, and M)

"The Youngsters" started out strong, but the "Good Looking" matched them. We ended in a tie.

On Fri. Piper went to co-op classes with W.

We ate lunch after morning classes, and Grandma G. and the O's met us there. Then Marsh and Grandma took the 5 youngest to bowl while M. and L. went to afternoon classes.

M. and Miss O. show off their matching coats!

The blonde, the brunette and the redhead have a great time together.

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