Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday Cross Necklaces

Daughter M. had a double birthday party yesterday. The two girl's moms had planned a mystery literary meal. Each course had two choices named enigmatically after famous book titles. (Velveteen Rabbit-carrots for appetizers, Heidi-milk for beverage, etc.) Each girl chose one "title" per course and received the food that went with their choice. The party was great fun.

M. made these necklaces for her two friends. Another little friend, A. sewed her own flannel pillowcases for each girl. (She is one of M's most cherished friends and a favorite around here.)We value and enjoy our home school co-op friends so much.

1 comment:

  1. You are a much more prompt blogger ham me-- I had to see my own daughter's birthday posted before I did it myself! ;-)
    Did you see how she wore the necklace yesterday? She loves it! Thanks!
    Also, Happy Birthday ! We are one year apart!
